Contact Magazine

Meet UQ Alumni Book Fair volunteer Don Barrett

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Meet UQ Alumni Book Fair volunteer Don Barrett




  • The economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic is far from over, with the impacts expected to last well into 2021 and beyond. Professor Shaun Bond, UQ’s Frank Finn Professor of Finance, considers some specific steps.
  • UQ graduate Elliot Stein analyses what a Joe Biden presidency will mean for Australia.
  • Less than a week out from the US election, the world is waiting for an outcome that will have huge ramifications both in the US and across the globe.
  • With this year’s turbulent onset of COVID-19, we are reminded that life can change suddenly, along with assumptions about ‘jobs of the future’ or what constitutes a ‘safe’ career.
  • UQ graduate and award-winning journalist and author Madonna King shares key insights from her discussions with 2020 Alumni Award recipients.
  • UQ graduate and journalist Andrew Kidd Fraser reflects on his long career in print and sheds light on what he believes we can expect for the future of print media.
  • Queenslanders will vote in a state election on 31 October. In the midst of a global pandemic, it will be a campaign like never before.
  • Watershed moments – where passion and outcry finally boil over into social change – always generate strong debate at the time, but ultimately shape the course of world history.


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