How to make better choices

The science and philosophy of decision making

A person in a black suit on white background with cartoon black lines moving past their head

Image: Sergey Nivens/Adobe Stock

Image: Sergey Nivens/Adobe Stock

Our lives turn on the decisions that we make. We are faced with hundreds of choices big and small every day – from what coffee we order, to the romantic partner we choose, the career direction we take, to the shoes we wear.

But what are the forces behind the choices we are making?

Why is our decision to defy our parents and grow a mullet so satisfying? What draws us to that delicious cream bun when we know it might not be good for us? Is our ability to make decisions evolving, and could AI change how we decide in the future?

Watch the video below in which the UQ Talks panel discuss the fundamentals of why our brains make the decisions they do and offer insights into how to make better choices.

Want more UQ Talks?

Join us at the Queensland Museum on 12 September to hear from Dr Sam Robinson, a UQ researcher who has allowed himself to be stung by everything from stinging nettles to venomous centipedes — in a personal quest to better understand pain.

Learn why stinging occurs in nature, the different flavours of pain and why venom might be the key to discovering new treatments for conditions like diabetes and chronic pain.