Blueprint for change

Meet the UQ scholarship recipient designing a brighter future through higher education

A young woman sketching in a workshop

Growing up in the regional town of Stanthorpe, Freya, a first-year Bachelor of Architectural Design student at UQ, once believed that higher education was beyond her reach.

“Coming from a small rural town 3 hours away from Brisbane, I’ve always strived to work for everything myself – especially the money needed to move out of home to study,” Freya said.

But in Year 10, a phone call changed everything.

Freya learned she had been awarded a Young Achievers Program (YAP) Scholarship, made possible by generous donors.

“I couldn’t answer the phone call during class, but when I heard the voicemail it didn’t feel real. An hour ago, I didn’t have that scholarship… and then suddenly I did! It felt like everything just fell into place.”

“The support of UQ donors has transformed the course of my life. Their generosity opens doors for countless students who may not have had the opportunity to pursue higher education.”
Freya, First year Bachelor of Architectural Design student and UQ Young Achievers Scholarship recipient
A young smiling woman sitting behind a model of a house

YAP assists students from schools all across Queensland to succeed in their final years of secondary education – through mentoring, on-campus experiences and financial support – before transitioning to university.

Once at UQ, YAP students receive a $7,000 annual scholarship for up to 4 years, along with ongoing mentoring and guidance, setting them up to make the most of their tertiary education and future career ambitions.

This scholarship enabled Freya to freely pursue her dream of studying architectural design at UQ, while reducing financial barriers.

“The Young Achievers Program has completely transformed the course of my life. Your generosity has not only provided me with financial assistance but has given me the motivation to work harder and get the most out of my education,” Freya said.

“Your kindness and support inspires me and many other students striving to achieve their dreams.
Thank you.”
Freya, First year Bachelor of Architectural Design student and UQ Young Achievers Scholarship recipient
A young woman sitting in a room behind a wooden design feature

Through The Queensland Commitment, we can create change for students from regional areas.

“The support of donors has transformed the course of my life. This generosity opens doors for countless students who may not have had the opportunity to pursue higher education,” she said.

"This has truly made such a positive impact on my life, and I will be forever grateful."

By supporting students like Freya, donors become architects of change, crafting a brighter future for all Queenslanders.