- 'Contact' delves into the fascinating world of memory with Professor Frederic Meunier from UQ’s Queensland Brain Institute to debunk common myths surrounding this complex cognitive process, and find out what the science has to say about memory-boosting trends.
- Welcome to The Real YouQ, the latest 'Contact' Q&A series offering a glimpse into the real lives of members of the UQ community. In this edition, we meet celebrated TEDx speaker, author and cult survivor Claire Ashman.
- TEDxUQ turns 10 this year. To celebrate this milestone, Contact caught up with some of the UQ community members who have been part of TEDxUQ over the years.
- Welcome to UQ Diaries, an anonymous 'Contact' series that dives into the burning questions you've always wanted to ask. In July, we asked non-homeowners and homeowners: How realistic is home ownership to you? And, is owning a home everything you imagined it would be? Here's what the UQ community said.
- How does it feel to have no home? What does it look like from ‘outside the inside’? And how do people cope? Engage with how housing instability impacts health and wellbeing, from the point of view of those actually living it in Brisbane, at Health Home Hope – a photographic exhibition on housing instability and health.
- Should we thank Barbie for encouraging the belief that girls can do anything, or ask her to please explain the perpetuation of exaggerated white femininity and excessive materialism?
- From humble beginnings to sold-out stadiums, the Matildas are on a meteoric rise to stardom. Find out how superstar Sam Kerr and team are driving the change towards equality in sport – one stunning goal at a time.
- University of Queensland Boat Club (UQBC) representatives have experienced a taste of international rowing after competing in the Trans-Tasman Varsity Challenge this month.
- Six University of Queensland staff members are featured on a national NAIDOC Week list of 52 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are changing the world.
- Nurses were not warriors – they were caregivers. But they too suffered trauma as a result of their service. And, like the men they devoted themselves to, they were worn down and in some cases shattered by the horrors they witnessed.
- VIDEO: 'Contact' speaks to UQ Archivist Bruce Ibsen about his role in finding missing names from UQ Roll of Honour plaques and why it’s important to always remember the sacrifices made by soldiers who had so much to live for.
- The sum of current commitments under the Paris climate accord puts Earth on track for 3℃ of warming this century. Unless the world changes course and dramatically curbs greenhouse gas emissions, this is how bad it could get.
- Professor Kim Wilkins has always been happiest when immersed in a good story. Watch the video to find out how she starred in her own story of self-discovery and success.
- UQ scientists are inviting everyday Queenslanders to get their hands dirty to unearth the next generation of antibiotics.
- UQ graduate and Contact contributor Andrew Kidd Fraser spoke to language and linguistics expert Emeritus Professor Roly Sussex to learn more about the origins of names and how spelling has evolved over time.
- UQ Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Deborah Terry AO urges everyone to choose to challenge the status quo as we celebrate International Women's Day.
- Listen to or read a selection of stories from inspirational UQ women, and learn about some of the many UQ initiatives that support women's progress in their professional and personal lives.
- What did a news ban achieve and what will a new bargaining code mean for Australia's media landscape?
- The Andrew N. Liveris Academy for Innovation and Leadership attracts, supports and develops some of the finest young minds in engineering and science.
- UQ Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Deborah Terry AO urges everyone to choose to challenge the status quo as we celebrate International Women's Day.
- What did a news ban achieve and what will a new bargaining code mean for Australia's media landscape?
- UQ experts have their say on what the permanent fall-out of the pandemic will be on our business culture and, more broadly, how Brisbane will change?
- Indigenous journalist and UQ PhD student Amy McQuire chats to 'Contact' about her career highlights, the need for media reform, and her forthcoming book.
- 'Contact' explores the mental scars left on people and communities after natural disasters, and why summer is the season emergency services fear most.
- 'The Courier-Mail' editor and UQ graduate Chris Jones shares his views on why the future is bright for current journalism students.
- Amidst the re-assessments taking place as a result of COVID-19, there is an invaluable opportunity for businesses to rethink the purpose and nature of innovation.
- Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Deborah Terry AC reflects on 2020, the response of the UQ community to COVID-19, and the role of universities in pandemic recovery.
- The economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic is far from over, with the impacts expected to last well into 2021 and beyond. Professor Shaun Bond, UQ’s Frank Finn Professor of Finance, considers some specific steps.
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