Professor John Pascoe

Professor John Pascoe is an accomplished veterinary surgeon, leader and mentor.
He is recognised for developing innovative ways for veterinary students to learn surgical principles. He collaborated with local animal shelters to provide neutering to mitigate over-population and other surgical procedures to increase adoption, and in doing so he assisted shelters financially, increased adoption rates and supported the successful development of community-based surgical rotations for veterinary students.

Professor Pascoe has successfully trained 34 surgical residents, 5 PhD candidates and 4 postdoctoral fellows, and guided the surgical training of thousands of veterinary students. Under his leadership at UC Davis, including two years as Editor-in-Chief, he guided the development of Veterinary Surgery, the official journal of the American and European Colleges of Veterinary Surgeons. He has forged paths that have created important roles for veterinarians such as advising governments across the US, Asia and Africa. He also facilitated pandemic preparedness and response systems in more than 30 countries.

Professor Pascoe recently received the 2023 Billy E. Hooper Award for Distinguished Service from the American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges, recognising his significant contribution to the veterinary academic medical community at large.

What’s a surprising or fun fact people wouldn’t know about you?

“I was a member of the UQ Kings-Grace players, performing as a London Bobby in Dear Delinquent at the Schonell Theatre in my first year.

“Acting didn’t (and doesn’t) come naturally to me and I was certainly outside of my comfort zone. It is probably one of the most challenging things I’ve done.”


Vice-Chancellor's Alumni Excellence Award
Vice-Chancellor’s Alumni Excellence Award for unwavering commitment to advancing veterinary medical education, the veterinary profession globally, and academic leadership.
Professor John Pascoe


Bachelor of Veterinary Science (Hons)