Development & Principal Giving
Margaret Hammer
Manager, Advancement
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3454
0438 731 462
Nina Mullins
Senior Manager and Head of Planned Giving
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3904
+61 (0)423 298 781
Alumni and Community Engagement
Adam Sehnoun
Principal Events Officer
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 7674
Andrea Roper
Senior Events Officer
Advancement and Community Engagement
07 3346 8654
Camille Brandon
Communications Coordinator
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3902
Cecilia du Plessis
Manager, Community Engagement
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3365 7045
Eliza Russo
Principal Events Officer
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 (0)409 417 966
Jessica Hughes
Senior Events Officer
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3086
Alysha Addicott
Digital Communication Coordinator
Advancement and Community Engagement
+ 61 7 3346 8397
Braden Asujamaa
Alumni Engagement Coordinator
Advancement and Community Engagement
+ 61 7 3443 3206
Renae Bourke
Communications Coordinator (Tues, Wed)
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 6249
Amanda Briggs
Senior Manager, Alumni Engagement
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3916
Mona Burkart
Senior Events Officer
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3365 7347
Sharon Christodoulou
Senior Manager, Donor Relations
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3365 3397
Mikaeli Costello
Chief Community Engagement Officer
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3913
Kathryn Cowe
Manager, Alumni Programs
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 4289
Emma Dawson
Manager, International Alumni Engagement
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3905
Nina Gardiner
Alumni Engagement Coordinator
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3365 1088
Steph Gaw
Senior Event Officer
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 4102
Marie-Claire Gazzard
Manager, Annual Giving
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 6266
Allie Grumley
Events Coordinator
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3150
Colleen Harper CFRE
Senior Donor Relations Coordinator
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3857
Lisa Hinchy
Senior Events Officer
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3086
Cathy James
Senior Manager, Community Engagement and Events
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3365 1596
Sam James
Senior Community Engagement Officer
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 6937
Izzy Koh
Alumni Engagement Coordinator
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3924
Hayley Lees
Communications Coordinator (Mon, Tues, Wed)
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 6277
Julie Lock
Donor Relations Officer
Advancement and Community Engagement
+ 61 7 3346 6456
Dr Anita Milroy
Senior Project Manager, Inspiring Australia Queensland
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3365 2846
Madison Moore
Alumni Engagement Coordinator
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 4222
Lauren O'Keeffe
Events Coordinator
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 (0)407 710 304
Isla Paul
Annual Giving Officer
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 8650
Josephine Plant
Events Coordinator
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3365 7045
Jess Saolele
Events Coordinator
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3150
Laura Terry
Senior Annual Giving Coordinator
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 6499
+61 43290 0005
Greta Usasz
Manager, Marketing and Communications Business Partnering
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3908
Britt Wilkins
Manager, Marketing and Communications Business Partnering
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 8398
Angel Wong
Annual Giving Program Coordinator
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3297
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law (BEL)
Rosalind Boulton
Senior Manager, Advancement
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
+61 7 3346 0751
+61 4 7562 0018
Angela Craig
Advancement Manager
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
+61 7 3345 6856
+61 4 4866 0508
Tamika Hartwig
Engagement Officer
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
+617 3346 1656
Caroline Hawkins
Advancement Manager
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
+61 7 3346 0634
Keiko Nishino
Senior Alumni Relations Officer
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Tara Turner CFRE
Deputy Vice-President, Global and Institutional Philanthropy & Interim Associate Vice-President of Advancement (BEL)
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3931
+61 405 550 215
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture & Information Technology (EAIT)
Weston Fernández Bruner
Associate Vice-President, Advancement
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
+61 (0)435 386 424
Jodie Chellew
Jodie Chellew (EAIT)
Scholarships and Grants Coordinator
+61 7 3345 4191
Grant Ferguson
Grant Ferguson
Senior Manager (Industry & Development)
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
+61 7 3345 3976
Image of Kyle Williams
Kyle Williams
Senior Manager and Head of Alumni Engagement
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
+61 7 3365 4302
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences (HABS)
Amelie Casgrain
Manager, Advancement
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
+61 7 3346 3039
+61 (0)499 362 782
Paul Purcell
Senior Coordinator, Advancement
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
+61 7 3443 1131
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS)
Alex Tuite
Senior Advancement Manager
Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
07 3346 9766
Faculty of Medicine
Jo Cherriman
Jo Cherriman
Senior Manager, Advancement
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 3365 5077
Steve Francis
Manager, Advancement
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 3366 5062
Shawn Kelly
Alumni Engagement Coordinator
Faculty of Medicine
Melissa Kerr
Manager, Advancement (Foundations & Corporate Philanthropy)
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 3346 5088
Liz Middleton
Coordinator, Alumni Engagement
Faculty of Medicine
Lucy Reid
Senior Coordinator, Advancement
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 3365 5081
Tracey Tomlin
Director, Advancement
Faculty of Medicine
07 3365 5075
Faculty of Science
Brenda Tournier
Associate Vice-President, Advancement
Faculty of Science
Anthea Barry
Advancement Manager (Acting)
Faculty of Science
+61 7 3443 2659
Marlin Othman
Alumni and Community Engagement Manager
Faculty of Science
+61 408 242335
Stephanie Spafford
Manager, Advancement
Faculty of Science
+61 421 587 278
Nathaniel Tang
Coordinator, Advancement
Faculty of Science
+61 7 3443 2658
Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB)
Ken Lai
Senior Coordinator, Advancement
Institute for Molecular Bioscience
+61 7 3346 2184
Wendy Mansell
Wendy Mansell
Senior Manager, Advancement and Engagement
Institute for Molecular Bioscience
+61 7 3346 2185
Queensland Brain Institute (QBI)
Andrea Markey
Director, Advancement
Queensland Brain Institute (QBI)
+61 7 3346 6405
M +61 (0)403 054 837
Dr Lavinia Codd
Manager, Advancement
Queensland Brain Institute (QBI)
+61 7 3346 3211
Erin Pearl
Manager, Advancement
Queensland Brain Institute (QBI)
+61 7 3346 0542
Chrissie Peppin
Coordinator, Engagement
Queensland Brain Institute (QBI)
Meet the Crew
UQ Calling Crew
Faculty of HABS
UQ Calling Crew
Faculty of Medicine
UQ Calling Crew
Faculty of HASS
UQ Calling Crew
Faculty of HABS
UQ Calling Crew
Faculty of HABS
UQ Calling Crew
Faculty of EAIT
UQ Calling Crew
Faculty of BEL
UQ Calling Crew
Faculty of EAIT
UQ Calling Crew
Faculty of BEL
UQ Calling Crew
Faculty of HASS
UQ Calling Crew
The Graduate School PhD Candidate
UQ Calling Crew
Faculty of EAIT
UQ Calling Crew
Faculty of Science
UQ Calling Crew
Faculty of Medicine
UQ Calling Crew
Faculty of EAIT
UQ Calling Crew
Faculty of Science
UQ Calling Crew
Faculty of EAIT
UQ Calling Crew Supervisor
Faculty of HABS
UQ Calling Crew
Faculty of Science
UQ Calling Crew
Faculty of Science
UQ Calling Crew
Faculty of HABS
UQ Calling Crew
Faculty of Science
UQ Calling Crew
AIBN PhD candidate
UQ Calling Crew
AIBN PhD candidate
UQ Calling Crew
Faculty of BEL
UQ Calling Crew
Faculty of HASS
UQ Calling Crew
Faculty of Medicine
UQ Calling Crew
Faculty of Science
Executive Services Unit
Karen Pereira
Senior Executive Assistant
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3151
Tiarne Styles
Senior Executive Assistant
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3929
Indi Thompson
Executive Services Officer
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3900
The Book Group - Alumni Friends Volunteers
Margaret Blaszczyk
Art, Architecture, Design and Photography - UQ Alumni Book Fair
Peter Jell
Logistics - UQ Alumni Book Fair
Gary Lambrides
Project Manager - UQ Alumni Book Fair
Anne Mullins
Rare Book Co-Convenor - UQ Alumni Book Fair
Advancement Services
Marie Morcom
Gift Operations Coordinator
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3443 1199
Ongelle Rice
Senior Manager, Relationship Management and Strategy
Advancement and Community Engagement
Terry Bower
Data Quality Analyst
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3114
Alex Clutterbuck
Funds Coordinator
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3043
Laura Cruz
Information Delivery Manager
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3443 4213
Margaret Francisco
Senior Manager, Information Management and Insights
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3365 1512
Alison Freriks
Senior Funds Coordinator
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3043
James Garrett
Senior Information Analyst
Advancement and Community Engagement
07 3346 3155
Tricia Hill
Prospect Management Analyst
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 4099
Kelsey Holding
Gift Administration Project Coordinator
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 0967
Warren Jackson
Senior Reporting Analyst
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3114
Twincy Mary James
Senior Systems Analyst & Administrator
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3115
Image of Jacqueline Koutsis
Jacqueline Koutsis
Senior Manager, Gift Administration
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3443 4200
Wendy Kovacs
Research Analyst
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 0967
Jay Lee
Gift Operations Manager
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3925
Georgia Leslie
Gift Standards Coordinator
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3920
Niki Li
Casual Gift Administration Officer
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 0574
Nola Macaulay
Research Analyst
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 6457
Aidan McParland
Research Analyst
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 4498
Merrell Milano
Deputy Vice-President, Advancement Services
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 4 0989 4141
Peter Nolan
Gifts Operations Coordinator
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3909
Naliya Rowchai
Data Analyst
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3443 4219
Abraham Sunil
Information Analyst
Advancement and Community Engagement
Kathleen Taduran
Research Analyst
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 4040
Nicole Weatherley
Manager, Gifts and Funds
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3910
Shirley Wilson
Research Analyst
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3153
Nisya Yalkivia
Casual Gift Operations Officer
Advancement and Community Engagement
Irene Yii
Data Analyst
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3155
Executive Team
Sasenka Abeysooriya
Program Director - The Queensland Commitment
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 (0)7 3346 9767
Briony Beaumont
Deputy Director, Office of the Vice-President
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 439 630 357
Mikaeli Costello
Chief Community Engagement Officer
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3913
Jennifer Karlson CFRE
Vice-President, Advancement and Community Engagement
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3923
Merrell Milano
Deputy Vice-President, Advancement Services
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 4 0989 4141
Tara Turner CFRE
Deputy Vice-President, Global and Institutional Philanthropy & Interim Associate Vice-President of Advancement (BEL)
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3931
+61 405 550 215
Global and Institutional Philanthropy
Helen Chin
Manager, Advancement (Foundations & Corporate Philanthropy)
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3914
+61 408 277 978
Jerome Delangle
Senior Coordinator, Advancement (Student Experience)
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 458 161 806
Maritza Messina
Senior Manager and Head of Advancement (Student Experience)
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 439 990 374
Libby Taylor
Senior Advancement Coordinator (Leadership Annual Giving)
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 4 7362 2300
Tara Turner CFRE
Deputy Vice-President, Global and Institutional Philanthropy & Interim Associate Vice-President of Advancement (BEL)
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 3931
+61 405 550 215
Jade Williamson
Senior Manager and Head of Advancement (Indigenous Initiatives)
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 7660
+61 423 845 359
The Queensland Commitment
Chris Hassen
Program Manager - The Queensland Commitment
Advancement and Community Engagement
Ruby Nguyen
Principal Business Analyst - The Queensland Commitment
Advancement and Community Engagement
Veronica Pritchard
Program Director, The Queensland Commitment
Advancement and Community Engagement
Professor Mark Western FASSA
Research Director - The Queensland Commitment
Advancement and Community Engagement
07 3346 3923
Contact magazine team
Michael Jones
Contact Editor
Marketing and Communications
+61 7 3365 9723
Britt Wilkins
Manager, Marketing and Communications Business Partnering
Advancement and Community Engagement
+61 7 3346 8398
Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN)
Georgia Steenekamp (AIBN)
Engagement Officer
+61 7 334 64215