Empowering future legal minds
The UQ Pro Bono Centre partners with lawyers and organisations that work without fee for the public good. Students assist community legal centres, law firms, barristers and community agencies; they are encouraged to think critically about the law and investigate its structures, principles, policies and values.
In the past year, more than 100 law students undertook pro bono legal activities in partnership with the profession across a diverse spectrum of legal issues. For example, the UQ Pro Bono Centre partnered with Strategic Advocacy for Human Rights (SAHR) and a team of eleven students worked across two projects that sought to increase women’s access to justice, in countries including Afghanistan and India, to uphold the human rights of women.
Our ability to offer these experiences is reliant on funding through sponsorship and public donations. I appeal to our committed alumni and friends to make a real difference in furthering access to justice for some of the most disadvantaged members of our community, and help to build a stronger pro bono culture among future generations of legal practitioners.
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