Professor George Mellick

For the past 25 years, Professor George Mellick has been dedicated to alleviating the suffering of people with neurodegenerative diseases.

A passionate advocate for people affected by Parkinson’s disease, he is currently the President of Parkinson’s Queensland and Parkinson’s Australia. Professor Mellick also contributed significantly to the leadership of important Parkinson’s Research initiatives such as the Queensland Parkinson’s Project, Neurobank and Genetic Epidemiology of Parkinson’s Disease Consortium.

He is an internationally recognised expert, who has authored more than 250 research publications.

He was the Foundation Head of School for Griffith University’s School of Environment and Science, is a previous Deputy Director of the Griffith Institute for Drug Discovery and has held adjunct positions at Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital, Princess Alexandra Hospital and UQ.

Professor Mellick is actively involved with UQ’s St John’s College, as a long-term member of the Old Johnians Association (OJA) and OJA President for many years. He currently serves on both the College Council and College Foundation and is a mentor to students and other young alumni.

Who are your heroes?

“My heroes are the people who persist despite the significant challenges they face, to make the most of their opportunities in life. These are the people who provide me with inspiration to work harder, to be grateful for the privileges we enjoy and not to waste the chance to help others whenever you can.”


UQ Alumnus of the Year (created by Alumni Friends)
UQ Alumnus of the Year Award for outstanding contributions and leadership in the field of neurodegenerative diseases and in medical research broadly.


Bachelor of Science (Hons)
Doctor of Philosophy (Chemistry)
Graduate Certificate in Education