Hailey Brown

Ms Hailey Brown in the founder and CEO of Vacayit, Australia’s first audio tourism platform. Vacayit embraces diversity and allows everyone to make independent, informed decisions about where they would like to travel. It also encourages tourism organisations to enhance their engagement and content for those who are blind or have low vision.

Ms Brown’s innovative idea won the Innovation category of the Forum’s Young Talent Programme in Switzerland, as part of the World Tourism Forum Lucerne 2021, and she was the Australian Government Accelerator For Enterprising Women Winner.

She is an advocate for innovation and accessibility in the tourism industry, which continues through her work for the Queensland Government’s Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport as their Young Tourism Leader. Hailey has received numerous accolades for Vacayit and ranked as one of Australia’s 9 most influential women entrepreneurs in the Sydney Morning Herald and The Australian’s Top 20 under 40.

Do you have a favourite quote, motto or piece of advice to give to new graduates?

“I love the quote ‘you can’t give life more time, so give the time you have left more life’.
“The first few years after university can be confusing. Often graduate jobs don’t match up with our dreams, but it’s important to pick a job that genuinely makes you happy. Life is too short to not experience fulfillment in every aspect of it. Just after graduation is the perfect time to embrace risks and pave your own unique path.”


Distinguished Young Alumni Award
Distinguished Young Alumni Award for entrepreneurial achievement in the tourism industry, and empowerment of the blind and low vision community.


Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of International Hotel and Tourism Management