Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Initiatives

UQ has a clear strategic direction to be a leader in Indigenous Health across all facets – research advances, advocacy, career pathways, and welcoming more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people into academia. 

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health is an area where significant impact can be made to improve health outcomes. 

There are many ways to support these initiatives: 

  1. Establish an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander scholarship in Biomedical Sciences, Medicine, or Public Health, to support Indigenous students and encourage greater participation in our health workforce 
  2. Support InspireU, a unique program bringing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students from across Queensland for a week-long camp at St Lucia, aimed at raising aspirations and breaking down barriers to tertiary education 
  3. Support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research to develop culturally appropriate public health approaches in order to reduce health inequities across cancer, mental health and substance use, and sexual and reproductive health 


To learn more about these opportunities and how you can play a part, please contact Steve Francis s.francis@uq.edu.au 0413 701 252.