Alumni Friends Strategic Plan
Alumni Friends helps shape the future—as outlined below in our vision, mission, and strategic plan. Alumni Friends members share in the belief that successful, stable and diverse communities need world-class tertiary education, where world-class universities depend on the support, encouragement and engagement of alumni and the wider community.
Our vision: An equitable, stable, diverse and educated Australia, benefiting from world-class tertiary education.
Our mission: To connect engaged alumni and friends to support the endeavours of the ‘future alumni’, educators and researchers of The University of Queensland (UQ).
Core values: integrity and wisdom; being ethical, diligent and accountable; being supportive and philanthropic; encouraging respect and diversity.
Alumni Friends members are often described as honest, dedicated volunteers who are social, charitable, fun, ethical, cost-effective, precise, consistent, disciplined, responsible, focused, tenacious and determined.
Our key focus areas:
- Connecting: Creating routes for alumni and friends to engage with UQ through regular contact/communication, including social events, newsletters, and website, lifelong learning activities (for example, through Three Score [now 3T] and Friends of Antiquity talks), volunteering time for mentoring and fund-raising (for example, through the UQ Alumni Book Fair) and sharing memories and experiences (including through the 50 Stories Project);
- Recognising and Celebrating UQ’s students, researchers and educators: Supporting a suite of Prizes, Scholarships & Bursaries for UQ students, staff, & alumni
- Investing and Giving Back: Donating time and money to support the endeavours and explorations of UQ’s students, educators, and researchers;
- Supporting: Focused on ensuring that world-class tertiary education is inclusive, supporting the best students in their aspiration to study at UQ; and
- Advocacy: Promoting the benefits of world-class education and the value of supporting/enriching the cultural and social resources of UQ; demonstrating the benefits of a world-class education through philanthropy (donating time, money, and/or gifts) and connection with fellow UQ alumni, students, researchers and educators.