'They were young men with hopes and dreams': missing names live on forever

22 April 2021
For more than six years, UQ Archivist Bruce Ibsen has spent a significant amount of time researching and uncovering stories of UQ's Anzacs.

His work has helped drive the development of many special projects undertaken across the University, including the 2015 publication Faces of the Fallen. This book details the 84 staff, students and alumni from UQ and the Queensland Agricultural College, now UQ Gatton, who served and fell in World War I.

However, one of Bruce’s most important achievements was addressing missing names in several existing campus honour rolls, where some UQ students had not been listed.

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Anzac Day 2021 – missing names live on forever from The University of Queensland on Vimeo.

Ibsen said the plaques evolved from being a list of names etched on stone or metal, to a revelation of unique personalities; some who achieved much in their short lives, others with untapped potential that was never fully realised.

“We cannot forget they were more than just names to the people who knew them; they were individuals who were loved by many, and missed forever by their families and friends.”

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