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How can we solve the housing crisis?

  • A major study of screen use found it’s not the screen itself that really matters but what’s on it and the way kids use it.
  • Adjunct Associate Professor Mary Graham's work as a community development leader, Elder, educator and philosopher were recognised recently with an Honorary Doctorate – UQ’s highest honour. 'Contact' spoke to UQ colleagues close to Aunty Mary about the impact of her career and what she means to them.
  • Three former UQ physiotherapy lecturers took on a special project in retirement: recording the history of training conducted at UQ and of the profession generally.
  • The University of Queensland will help mark a milestone for the world’s longest running sci-fi television show, hosting Doctor Who’s 60th Anniversary Symposium on Friday 24 November.
  • The UQ community is celebrating a half-century of graduations, music, concerts, exams, lectures, protests and exhibitions in Mayne Hall.
  • Introducing the 2023 UQ Alumni Award recipients.
  • UQ’s Fryer Library is home to a rare 200-year-old first edition of John Polidori’s 'The vampyre'. The tale of how this book was written and how it came to be in a university library in Brisbane more than 200 years later is the perfect Halloween story.
  • Looking for some scary movie recommendations to set the mood this Halloween? Contact has enlisted the help of UQ alum and co-curator of GOMA’s Australian Cinémathèque Robert Hughes to take us through some of the most chilling classic films being shown free of charge at the Cinémathèque this summer.
  • Your skin prickles, your palms sweat, and your breath gets caught in your chest. But why can't you tear your eyes away from the latest horror film or fiction? UQ experts explain the art and science behind our fascination with fear.





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