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Contact Magazine

How can we solve the housing crisis?

  • UQ's award-winning publishing house, University of Queensland Press, has launched a new series showcasing classics of Indigenous Australian literature. We took a closer look at the new series, and why you should add these 8 beautiful new editions to your bedside stack.
  • Meet the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service ranger and UQ graduate walking the Thin Green Line in honour of fallen rangers.
  • 'Contact' delves into the fascinating world of memory with Professor Frederic Meunier from UQ’s Queensland Brain Institute to debunk common myths surrounding this complex cognitive process, and find out what the science has to say about memory-boosting trends.
  • Welcome to The Real YouQ, the latest 'Contact' Q&A series offering a glimpse into the real lives of members of the UQ community. In this edition, we meet celebrated TEDx speaker, author and cult survivor Claire Ashman.
  • TEDxUQ turns 10 this year. To celebrate this milestone, Contact caught up with some of the UQ community members who have been part of TEDxUQ over the years.
  • Welcome to UQ Diaries, an anonymous 'Contact' series that dives into the burning questions you've always wanted to ask. In July, we asked non-homeowners and homeowners: How realistic is home ownership to you? And, is owning a home everything you imagined it would be? Here's what the UQ community said.
  • How does it feel to have no home? What does it look like from ‘outside the inside’? And how do people cope? Engage with how housing instability impacts health and wellbeing, from the point of view of those actually living it in Brisbane, at Health Home Hope – a photographic exhibition on housing instability and health.
  • Should we thank Barbie for encouraging the belief that girls can do anything, or ask her to please explain the perpetuation of exaggerated white femininity and excessive materialism?
  • From humble beginnings to sold-out stadiums, the Matildas are on a meteoric rise to stardom. Find out how superstar Sam Kerr and team are driving the change towards equality in sport – one stunning goal at a time.




Contact magazine print editions


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