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Contact Magazine

The changing tune of live music

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The changing tune of live music



  • Expert UQ alumni discuss how to commit to positivity: what's the negativity bias and how can we overcome it? How can we build resilience when we face tough hurdles in life? And how can we cultivate gratitude for ourselves and our lives?
  • We’re living in a digital age, and children need to learn how to be safe online and manage screen time and social media use. Associate Professor Karen Turner from UQ’s Parenting and Family Support Centre shares some tips for helping children develop healthy screen time habits.
  • 'Scientist. Journalist. Innovator.' That’s how science communicator and all-round passionate advocate for the natural world Kirsten Slemint (Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Journalism ’19) describes herself.
  • One day, someone will have to sort through all the ‘stuff’ we leave behind, both physical and virtual. So, who decides what happens to our online memories when we’re no longer here to curate them?
  • VIDEO: Did you know UQ is home to crocodile experts? Contact heads north to find out how UQ researchers are working with Australia Zoo to monitor the health of Australia’s crocodile population. Look out for some familiar faces.
  • Many Australians are looking forward to the time when 70 per cent of over-16s are fully vaccinated, and the freedoms this will bring.
  • COVID-19 is reasserting itself, with the Delta variant posing a serious threat to young people. The pandemic has made physical distancing an inescapable new reality of post-secondary education as universities continue to deliver courses online.
  • After acting in stage shows like 'The Lion King' and 'A Streetcar Named Desire', UQ PhD candidate Tim Richards has returned to his first love – dinosaurs – and has helped identify a major discovery in process.
  • UQ PhD student Hannah Allan would like to help unite contemporary science with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural understanding and traditional knowledges, for effective and holistic management of Country.


  • Adjunct Associate Professor Mary Graham's work as a community development leader, Elder, educator and philosopher were recognised recently with an Honorary Doctorate – UQ’s highest honour. 'Contact' spoke to UQ colleagues close to Aunty Mary about the impact of her career and what she means to them.
  • Three former UQ physiotherapy lecturers took on a special project in retirement: recording the history of training conducted at UQ and of the profession generally.
  • The University of Queensland will help mark a milestone for the world’s longest running sci-fi television show, hosting Doctor Who’s 60th Anniversary Symposium on Friday 24 November.
  • Introducing the 2023 UQ Alumni Award recipients.
  • UQ’s Fryer Library is home to a rare 200-year-old first edition of John Polidori’s 'The vampyre'. The tale of how this book was written and how it came to be in a university library in Brisbane more than 200 years later is the perfect Halloween story.
  • The story of UQ jacarandas is the story of Ernest Walter Bick, the man who raised and planted more than 130 jacarandas across the St Lucia campus in the 1940s.
  • Researchers from UQ and QUT have traced the unique evolution of Brisbane’s punks and goths, and their role in shaping the city’s ‘alternative’ identity.
  • To celebrate Grandparent's Day (29 October 2023), we asked you – our alumni and community audience – to share your thoughts on the importance of the grandchild-grandparent relationship in your own lives. And boy, did you deliver!
  • If you’ve spent any time at UQ’s Gatton campus, chances are you’ve purchased a coffee or a bite to eat from Regie Narara at the Coffee Pod. And chances are you’ve left feeling brighter and more energetic – and not just because of the coffee.





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