Health and wellness

Participate in a research project or visit UQ Health Clinics

As a valued alumnus or UQ community member you can participate in research and contribute to the ground-breaking discoveries happening at UQ. Many of the research projects will reimburse you for your time. Alternatively, you can visit one of our many UQ Health Clinics, The clinics offer high quality and professional healthcare across a broad range of areas, and are open to the community.
Call for volunteers from the Alumni and community events and Contact newsletters:
Good sleepers – uncovering the link between REM sleep and pain with non-invasive brain stimulation

To help researchers undersatnd the link between REM sleep oscillations and pain perceptions, receive non-invasive rhythmic brain stimulation and perform a series of sensory tasks over 3 sessions. Participants must be at least 18 years old and a good sleeper and must not have chronic pain or a psychiatric or neurological disorder. Receive a $20 for each hour of participation (up to $120 in total). 

Resilience Triple P: family program for autistic children who may have experienced bullying

UQ's Parenting and Family Support Centre is currently recruiting for a trial of a family program for autistic children who have experienced problems with peers, including possible bullying. This program is called Resilience Triple P and is designed to help families support a child aged between 7 and 12 years.

Physical activity of children with ADHD

Seeking parents of children with autism or ADHD to complete a 15-minute survey about their child's physical activity, screen time, sleep, and dietary behaviours.

Better support for kids with disabilities

Help make support for kids with disabilities better. If you're a parent or primary carer of a child who has a disability, developmental delay, or is neurodivergent, we want to hear from you.

Recruiting poor sleepers

Struggle to get 6 hours of sleep each night? Consider yourself a poor sleeper? Join this study on sleep and brain blood vessel function. Attend 2 laboratory visits using ultrasound to measure the functioning of blood vessels in the brain, have your sleep monitored for 3 nights, and receive detailed data about your sleep.

Online interview: service robots in hotels 

Take part in a one-hour online video interview to share your thoughts on service robots in hotels. You will be asked to view a series of images and short videos showing robots performing tasks in a hotel, then answer questions about your perceptions of the robots and their capabilities. Receive a $30 gift card for your time.

Health and wellbeing for people aged over 50

UQ Healthy Living

UQ Health Clinics