Professor Peter Donnelly

Professor Peter Donnelly works at the cutting edge of research in genetics and its relation to human health and healthcare. He is based at the University of Oxford where he is Director of the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, a premier international research institute, and Professor of Statistical Science.

He began his career in mathematics and has become an international leader in human genetics, with seminal contributions in mathematical and statistical genetics, human genetics and human population history. Advances in genetics and genomics have transformed much of biomedical research and healthcare. Donnelly has been one of the pioneers and leaders of this genetic revolution.

Donnelly is regarded as a world leader in the development of powerful and efficient analysis methods used to unlock information and key scientific insights from data sets. His work typically combines analytical methods development with cutting-edge science and he has led several of the major international studies of the genetics of human disease.

He has been cited in over 30,000 publications for his innovative methods and has received numerous awards and honours including the Weldon Memorial Prize, the Mitchell Prize and the Guy Medal in Silver. Donnelly is a Fellow of the Royal Society and of the Academy of Medical Sciences, and is an Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries.


Vice-Chancellor's Alumni Excellence Award


Bachelor of Science (Honours)