Kathryn Zealand

As Manager of enterprise development in Africa for the Clinton Foundation, Kathryn Zealand is aiming to find self-sustaining solutions to poverty that are commercially viable without continual support from charity.

She develops business cases, sources co-investors and assists in launching start-up companies, inspiring tangible change in the communities she works.

In her previous role at McKinsey & Company she was responsible for improving the efficiency and quality of Australian hospitals.

Her time at UQ was shorter than most, completing her degree in just 18 months. Zealand studied up to 10 subjects each semester, while concurrently completing Year 12 and earning an OP 1.

So far, Zealand has achieved more in her short but remarkable career than many hope to achieve in a lifetime, and the positive impact she has created has been felt by many worldwide. She plans to study a Masters’ at Harvard next year but is committed to returning to Australia.


Distinguished Young Alumni Award


Bachelor of Science (Honours)