Miss Anna Frederika (Freda) Bage OBE

Award of Doctor of Laws honoris causa
Ms Anna Frederica Bage OBE

Mr Deputy Chancellor,

It has pleased the Senate to authorise the admission of Anna Frederica Bage, OBE, MSc, FLS, on this occasion to the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, for her long and worthy service to The University of Queensland and to education in this State.

Miss Bage was the first woman to be elected as a Member of the Senate of the University; she held office from 1923 to 1949 and was a member of several University committees. She was also closely associated with the work and activities of various student bodies. Whilst concerned in the advancement of the University as a whole, Miss Bage was assiduous in sponsoring and safeguarding the interests of women students. She was twice Subsitute Delegate for Australia to the League of Nations. Miss Bage was Principal of the Women's University College from 1914 to 1946.

Miss Bage has played a great part in the education of students in the fullest meaning of the term and she has greatly enhanced the prestige of the University through her frequent official visits to country towns.

Miss Bage has always been ready to assist students needing help and advice and she has played a very important part in moulding the characters of many men as well as women, thereby increasing the value of their University training.

Mr Deputy Chancellor, I present to you Anna Frederica Bage for admission to the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, in The University of Queensland, and I certify to you and to the whole University that she has been found very worthy of that honour.

Honorary award citation


Doctor of Laws honoris causa