Mr Chancellor,
It is a rare occurrence for the University to have the opportunity to honour someone who has repaid to the University and to the education system a debt which he never incurred. Robert Alan Grice, despite being a frequent prize-winner, left Brisbane Grammar School on the completion of the Junior year and qualified as an accountant through the professional examination, with brilliant performances that usually made him the top person in Queensland, even in Australia as a whole. Not surprisingly he has occupied key positions within the Institute of Chartered Accountants and was in 1992 elected its National President. He is also a Fellow of the Australian Society of Cost Accountants and of the Institute of Directors and he is a partner in the well known firm of KPMG Peat Marwick. To this University he has contributed generously through his involvement with the Department of Commerce and his firm's sponsorship of an Excellence in Teaching Award. To accounting education generally he has given even more through his membership of numerous advisory bodies and assessment panels to assist the commerce and business faculties of Queensland's tertiary institutions, helping in curriculum design and guiding new institutions towards meeting the accreditation guidelines of the Institute of Chartered Accountants.
Mr Chancellor
For his distinguished contributions to Australian accounting education and to The University of Queensland, I present to you Robert Alan Grice, Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, for the conferral of the award of Doctor of Philosophy honoris causa, to which he has been admitted by the Senate of the University.