Tan Sri Dato Ahman Mustafa Bin Hj Babjee



Mr Chancellor, 

Ahmad Mustaffa bin Haji Babjee graduated Bachelor of Science from the University of Punjab, Lahore, and became a member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons through study at the Royal Veterinary College, London. He studied for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at The University of Queensland over the period 1969-1973, and had the remarkable achievement of doubling the number of poultry viruses recognised in Australia by means of his work. He returned to Malaysia to become Head of the Department of Veterinary Pathology at the University of Agriculture, where he was also involved in establishing the Fisheries Department and active in all aspects of University life and affairs.

Subsequently, he joined the Malaysian Department of Veterinary Services where he has been Director-General for many years. In this role he has given Malaysia leadership in veterinary activities throughout South East Asia and promoted cooperation between that country and Australia in the production and use of vaccines, ensuring a relationship of mutual benefit between the two countries of which The University of Queensland has been a particular beneficiary. He has published over one hundred scientific and technical papers, excluding innumerable popular articles. The numerous offices that he holds and has held and the awards that he has received all testify to a lifetime of service and success. 

Mr Chancellor, in recognition of his distinguished career and significant achievements, I present to you Ahmad Mustaffa bin Haji Babjee, Bachelor of Science, University of Punjab, Lahore, Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, and Doctor of Philosophy of this University for the conferral of the award of Doctor of Veterinary Science honoris causa, to which he has been admitted by the Senate of the University. 


Doctor of Veterinary Science honoris causa