Ernest Bagnall

Award of Bachelor of Medical Science honoris causa
Ernest Bagnall

Mr Chancellor,

For over thirty years, Ernie Bagnall has been one of the best known people in the medical faculty of The University of Queensland.

He first came to Queensland in 1927 to take up his appointment as Senior Technician to the joint board of dental studies. From 1927 to 1933, he played a major part in setting up the first school of anatomy in William Street, Brisbane. Being the sole member of the staff of the school, he turned his hand to such tasks as photography, administration and the preparation of slides, while carrying on with his work in anatomy. The excellent training he had received from his father at the University of Sydney, and his dedication to his work, soon led to his being held in very high regard for his competence and versatility.

After 1936, Ernie Bagnall was a member of the University staff, and from the time of his appointment he has been associated with the teaching of anatomy in this University. He established the basic collections of specimens and slides for teaching purposes, and later set up the photographic section at the medical school; his services in the provision of visual teaching aids became much sought after within the University.

In 1949, Ernie Bagnall laid the foundation for the formation of the Queensland branch of the 'Institute of Medical Laboratory Technologists' which he supported during its early years by his untiring labours on its behalf. This institute has made a very valuable contribution to the training of laboratory technicians in Queensland.

Early in his career, Ernie Bagnall showed his capacity for competent management; a high degree of administrative skill has characterised his years of service to the University. He has been a friend and adviser to heads of departments and students alike, and has become widely known both within the medical profession and in the University, for his willingness to lend the support of his valuable skills to those who wish to further the cause of medicine and teaching. He is regarded with great affection by generations of medical graduates, who sought out Ernie Bagnall for help and advice in their dealings with the school and with the University.

The University is proud to honour a man who has served it with dedication and humanity for over three decades.

Mr Chancellor, I present to you Ernest Bagnall, Laboratory Manager of the anatomy department of The University of Queensland, for admission to the degree of Bachelor of Medical Science, honoris causa.

Honorary award citation


Bachelor of Medical Science honoris causa