Ms Tamara Richardson

Education changes lives. Cultural education changes communities”.

Ms Tamara Richardson is the Director and Founder of PACE 48, a multinational youth led platform that promotes access to cultural education across 48 countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

Ms Richardson created PACE 48 in 2016 after struggling to find cultural education resources. What initially started as a Facebook page, with the intention of sharing short videos on cultural content, has evolved into a cultural education organisation, with permanent offices in Asia and Oceania. Through this platform, Ms Richardson has grown to be a voice for intercultural relations all over the Asia Pacific region.

For her work in championing cultural diversity and cultural education, Ms Richardson was appointed an Associate of the UNESCO Chair in Intercultural and Interreligious Relations, Asia Pacific in 2016 and has been actively engaged in the international treaty space since.

In 2017 Ms Richardson was chosen as an Australian representative to the UNESCO Asia Pacific Youth Dialogue in China and in 2018, she was the Australian Government’s youth delegate to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting held in the UK. In 2019, she was one of twenty delegates who spent a week in North Korea to participate in discussions with the leadership of the Korean Workers Party about building peace and security along the Korean Peninsula, and subsequently addressed the United Nations General Assembly in New York City on the work of PACE 48.

Ms Richardson has won several awards in recognition of her accomplishments. She has been a keynote speaker for several educational conferences and events around the world including at TedxUQ and has written for UNESCO and UNICEF on culture and sustainable development.


Distinguished Young Alumni Award


Bachelor of Science