"If you focus on the end goal nothing should distract you from achieving it. Stay focused, work hard, put in the necessary effort and the results will come."
Ms Fauna Ussumane Rugunato Ibramogy is an agribusiness specialist with 18 years of work experience in agricultural and rural development in Mozambique. She promotes a gender transformative approach and her work has made a significant impact in rural communities across Mozambique. She is contributing to the upliftment of rural households and communities using the “Market Systems Development (MSD) approach” which ensures sustainability of agricultural project interventions beyond the funding period.
Since 2016, Ms Ibramogy has been the National Program Officer for Economic Development at the Embassy of Switzerland in Maputo, Mozambique. She provides technical support and managerial guidance to two development programmes, the Innovation for Agribusiness (InovAgro) and Horti Sempre. These programs promote the use of certified seed and good agricultural practices to increase productivity and thereby address food security and income challenges. They also facilitate the participation of the private sector in uplifting the livelihoods of rural agricultural households through participation in commercial supply chains.
Under Ms Ibramogy’s overall guidance, in 2018, InovAgro was voted the best market systems development programme within the Global Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) and has led to an increase in income for more than 21,000 farmers in Mozambique.
Ms Ibramogy has been instrumental in the implementation of the Climate, Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction Integration Guidance (CEDRIG) within the Horti Sempre program in Northern Mozambique. CEDRIG assists Development workers/agencies or organizations to understand whether existing and planned projects are at risk from climate change.
Ms Ibramogy is committed to improving gender equality in the agricultural sector and has been the Country Office Gender Focal Point since 2017, where she leads discussions on gender equality, gender-based violence, and sexual harassment in the workplace.