The history behind the Three Score Club
The Three Score Club was generated in 1993 by President Bill Bremner and Professor Brian Carss OAM of TIDI and Director of TESOL, who met as members of the Brisbane Rotary Club in the city. At lunch, they discussed the establishment of a group within the Alumni Association to attract various speakers and topics to share their expertise with this soon to be a founded group. This was accepted by the Alumni Association Committee and established in 1993. Initially, over eighty members applied for registration to this special group.
Emmanuel College was chosen as their venue. Meetings were held on the third Wednesday of the month with an entrance fee of $20. An honorarium was set at $200 for the Speaker. The first meeting of the group made only a small profit, but increases in attendance ensured its ongoing success. Originally the University chose the Speakers while The Alumni Association organised the attendance numbers.
The President, Bill Bremner, controlled the organisation for a few years and then passed it over to Dr Steve Papas OAM for the ensuing seventeen years with meetings moved to The Women’s College. This proved to be a very satisfactory change. Attendance rotated between thirty and sixty-five. The topics included Ancient Civilisations, Medical Science, Astronomy. Topics included discovery of Black Holes in the Milky Way and many others destined for publication. The most attended talks were given by the late Emeritus Professor Bob Milns AM every second year.
Many members were regular attendees. The talks provided much discussion and were greatly enjoyed by all. They were always well attended. More recently the Three Score Club has merged with the UQ Advancement 3T and will continue in a combined format under the supervision of Dr Chris Muir and Lucy Blair from UQ Advancement.
Members will still be welcome but to book you will need to contact Lucy Blair on 3346 3166 or email Numbers are restricted on some of the tours, so early booking is essential. Members turning up at the door without registering could miss out.
Dr Steve Papas OAM