UQ Alumni Association of Japan

Damian Rentoule

Damian graduated from The University of Queensland with a Doctor of Philosophy from the School of Education in 2013. Damian's teaching career started in Western Australian state schools before moving into international education where he has now worked as a principal for over 20 years in Brunei, the United States and Japan. He has a long-held interest in shaping positive school cultures. Damian is still a student at the University of Queensland, currently taking modules in the Leadership in Global Development MicroMasters Program. The flexible delivery of UQ's programs has enabled Damian to continue working all throughout his studies and he will always be grateful to the University of Queensland for these opportunities. Connect with Damian on LinkedIn.

Masato Kawabata, PhD ‘08

Masato Kawabata is currently a Professor of Sport and Exercise Psychology at the College of Sport and Wellness at Rikkyo University, Japan. Alongside this role, he serves as an Honorary Associate Professor at the School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences at UQ. Following the completion of his PhD at UQ in 2008, he spent 12 years working in Singapore, holding the position of Associate Professor with tenure at Nanyang Technological University before returning to Japan in 2023. Masato is enthusiastic about the Global Connection event in Tokyo as it provides an excellent opportunity to connect with UQ alumni peers and establish networks in Japan. He looks forward to seeing you there. Connect with Masato on LinkedIn.

Paul Summers Bachleor of Arts (Honours) 1989

Paul has spent most of his adult life contributing to the growth of the outbound Japanese travel industry into Queensland. After graduating from The University of Queensland (BA Hons) in 1989, Paul spent a year in Japan on a working holiday before returning to work in Cairns in various sales and marketing roles in the local Japanese inbound industry.

In January 2004, he commenced as Marketing Manager at Tourism Queensland’s Tokyo-based Japan office and has lived in Japan ever since. From June 2009, for an eight-year stint, he worked in the wine and spirits industry at Pernod Ricard Japan, managing several brands including Jacob’s Creek. Simultaneously, he also served as Business Development Manager for Pernod Ricard Asia, managing their joint venture with Suntory, Suntory Allied Limited.

He returned to Tourism and Events Queensland Japan as Director in June 2017, added Korea to his remit in 2021, and remains passionate about all things Queensland and Australia in general.


Sola Zheng graduated from The University of Queensland in July 2021 with a Bachelor of Business Management majoring in Marketing. After completing her undergraduate studies, she decided to pursue further education at Waseda University in Japan. Sola is a Carrier Relations Manager for an ICT company.

During her time at UQ, Sola served as the Marketing Manager for the Japanese Association (UQJX). This role allowed her to connect with Japanese students and gain valuable insights into their experiences. As a recent graduate herself, Sola understands the various challenges students face such as deciding whether to further their studies, pursue a career or explore other paths. She is well-versed in the current job market and knowledgeable about Japanese universities, making her a valuable resource for students seeking guidance on these topics.

Sola is eager to assist current students by addressing their concerns, particularly those interested in learning more about Japan. She is passionate about organising new events to foster connections among UQ alumni in Japan, creating opportunities for networking and support.


Tim Tout Bachelor of Arts 1990, Master of Business Administration 1998 Co-Founder & Managing Director, HummingByrd Inc., Tokyo, Japan
UQ Japan Alumni Network Chair

Welcome to the UQ Japan Alumni Network. Tim is a business leader dedicated to maximizing the potential of individuals and organizations to create a positive impact in the world. With over 22 years of experience in Japan, he has a strong entrepreneurial spirit. Tim spent more than 9 years in various roles at The University of Queensland before transitioning to leadership positions in the agricultural, fashion retail, tertiary education, and training and development sectors. As a member of the International Coach Federation, Tim holds the title of Associate Certified Coach and is also a Graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Since 2014, he has been coordinating the Global Connections events in Japan and is passionate about fostering connections among UQ alumni, researchers, academics, and potential students. Favourite UQ memory? One of my favourite UQ memories is carrying the Mace at the University Graduation ceremonies. It was a great honour that was full of tradition. LinkedIn


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