Our UQ Chile Alumni Network aims to connect with UQ alumni throughout the country through social catch-ups, professional development, networking opportunities and more!

Rodrigo Zarate
Chair, UQ Chile Alumni Network and Global Connections Leader in Santiago
Product Manager, TransUnion
UQ qualifications: Master of Business 2013
I am a Presales Manager at Cognitiva Chile, a tech consultancy firm that specialises in solutions using Artificial Intelligence capabilities to solve complex business problems. I am a passionate UQ BEL alumnus, and have been organising Global Connection events in Chile for several years. My advice to new graduates is, “Always keep moving, have a purpose and make connections" and my favourite UQ professor was Associate Professor Frank Alpert.
Donna Barrera
Ambassador, UQ Chile Alumni Network and Global Connections Leader in Puerto Varas
Economist and Industrial Civil Engineer
UQ qualifications: Master of Business, 2017
I am passionate about mobilizing organizations towards a sustainable business model that generates well-being for the business, society and the planet. My background is Economist and Industrial Civil Engineer, Global MBA from the University of Chile and Master in Business with a minor in Sustainability and Social Impact at UQ.
Cristian Opazo
Ambassador, UQ Chile Alumni Network
Mining Engineer
UQ qualifications: Master of Business, 2008
I am a Mining Engineer working for a Mining Consultant company as Operation Manager in charge of the North Zone.
Lucia Neme-Gaviola
Ambassador, UQ Chile Alumni Network
Urban Planner and Architect, Universidad de Chile
UQ qualifications: Master of Urban & Regional Planning, 2020
I am an Urban Planner and Architect working in resilient urban design projects at the Universidad de Chile.
Mary Robinson
Ambassador, UQ Chile Alumni Network
Project Manager
UQ qualifications: Master of Business, 2015
I am a Project Manager in a Consulting company, managing projects related to Water Resources in mining industry.