A platform for alumni, by alumni
Harness the power of your global community of 350,000+ alumni on the UQ ChangeMakers platform.
Reach across industries and continents to make otherwise unlikely connections. Find mentorship, access research breakthroughs, and receive exclusive event opportunities and bonus content specifically curated to help you excel. Reminisce on how your time at UQ has shaped your life, with people who share the UQ experience.
Mission: The UQ ChangeMakers community celebrates the power of education through both our Queensland roots and our global impact. Built in partnership with alumni, this global community will support The Queensland Commitment through advocacy and profile raising. It is strengthened through shared values and experiences, storytelling, mentoring and lifelong learning.
Vision: As an enduring and lifelong partner, we are an engaged, inclusive and passionate alumni community who strive to address educational disadvantage and embed genuine two-way partnership within communities across Queensland and the globe. Together, we strive to make a difference and create more opportunities for all.
Join UQ ChangeMakers to access
Why ChangeMakers?
ChangeMakers revolutionise and shape our world. They share knowledge, ideas, skills and experiences to solve problems. By striving to create positive change – big or small – you too can be a ChangeMaker. Watch this video to hear from Chair of the UQ ChangeMakers Board, Ian Kemish AM.
Contact us to create change
The UQ Alumni and Community Engagement Centre is a meeting point for alumni visiting the St Lucia campus.
Level 1, JD Story Building (61)
St Lucia campus
(Next to Australia Post)
Monday to Friday
Standard hours are 9am – 5pm AEST
After hours appointments welcome. Closed weekends and public holidays.
Phone: +61 7 3346 3166
Email: uqchangemakers@uq.edu.au
Faculty Contacts
Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
Faculty of Health & Behavioural Sciences
Faculty of Business, Economics & Law
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Queensland Brain Institute (QBI)
Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN)
Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB)
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation (QAAFI)
Sustainable Minerals Institute (SMI)