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Contact Magazine

How can we solve the housing crisis?



  • UQ Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Deborah Terry AO urges everyone to choose to challenge the status quo as we celebrate International Women's Day.
  • What did a news ban achieve and what will a new bargaining code mean for Australia's media landscape?
  • UQ experts have their say on what the permanent fall-out of the pandemic will be on our business culture and, more broadly, how Brisbane will change?
  • Indigenous journalist and UQ PhD student Amy McQuire chats to 'Contact' about her career highlights, the need for media reform, and her forthcoming book.
  • 'Contact' explores the mental scars left on people and communities after natural disasters, and why summer is the season emergency services fear most.
  • 'The Courier-Mail' editor and UQ graduate Chris Jones shares his views on why the future is bright for current journalism students.
  • Amidst the re-assessments taking place as a result of COVID-19, there is an invaluable opportunity for businesses to rethink the purpose and nature of innovation.
  • Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Deborah Terry AC reflects on 2020, the response of the UQ community to COVID-19, and the role of universities in pandemic recovery.
  • The economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic is far from over, with the impacts expected to last well into 2021 and beyond. Professor Shaun Bond, UQ’s Frank Finn Professor of Finance, considers some specific steps.


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