Join UQ's Friends of Antiquity and the UQ School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry for the 30th annual Ancient History Day, exploring the theme of science, technology and the classical world.
When: Saturday 22 March, 9am–3:15pm
Location: Abel Smith Lecture Theatre, UQ St Lucia
Cost: $50 general entry; $40 for Alumni Friends/Friends of Antiquity Members; $10 each for students with ID. All tickets include morning tea, lunch is available to pre-order for $15 during the registration process.
Download the event timetable as a PDF.
Event Timetable
9—9:10am: Welcome by Dr Janette McWilliam, Classics and Ancient History Discipline Convenor, who will introduce the Head of the School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry, Professor Lisa Featherstone, to open the event. Chair, Associate Professor Dorothy Watts AM will outline the day’s proceedings.
9:10—10am: Professor Alastair Blanshard: Pre-Socratic philosophers and the birth of rationality?
10—10:50am: Dr Tatiana Bur (Australian National University: Ancient pneumatic trick vessels
10:50—11:20am: Morning tea
11:20am—12:10pm: Dr Janette McWilliam: Greco-Roman technological wonder and the audience experience
12:10—1:00pm: Rory McLennan: Foundations for imperium: the materials that built an empire
1—2pm: Lunch (The RD Milns Antiquities Museum will be open during the lunch period).
2—2:10pm: Raffle draws
2:10—3pm: Paige Maunder: A Geographical Information Systems (GIS) study of women and children at the military site of Vindolanda in Roman Britain
3pm: Dr Paul Eliadis (President, Friends of Antiquity): Vote of thanks
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UQ alumni and community events take place in-person and online, across the globe, throughout the year. UQ alumni are invited to join the UQ ChangeMakers platform to access early event registrations, benefits and discounts.