Join our panel of coastal restoration experts, Associate Professor Justine Bell-James, Professor Catherine Lovelock and Dr Nicole Shumway, over breakfast on 7 December as they discuss how and why ‘law matters’ as we move forward with repairing vitally important habitats in Australia and across the globe. Law and legal instruments have a key role to play in the restoration of coastal wetlands, and there has never been a more urgent need to revive damaged ecosystems than now.
Full event description
There has never been a more urgent need to revive damaged ecosystems than now. The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration has just nine more years to restore the planet and, while there are global moves afoot to undertake large-scale ecological restoration, coastal wetlands must be a key priority.
Law and legal instruments have a key role to play in the restoration of coastal wetlands, and the recent experience in developing the Australian Government’s Blue Carbon methodology demonstrates how law can be used to remove barriers to restoration and pave the way for progress.
Join our interdisciplinary panel of coastal restoration experts over breakfast, as they consider how and why ‘law matters’ as we move forward with repairing these vitally important habitats in Australia and across the globe.
This event is ideal for professionals interested in environmental law and the future of protections across a range of occupations – from legal practitioner to scientist, policy advisor to conservationist. If you are living interstate and cannot attend in person, please email BEL Events for more information.
- Associate Professor, TC Beirne School of Law Justine Bell-James
- ARC Laureate Fellow, School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science Professor Catherine Lovelock
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Centre for Policy Futures Dr Nicole Shumway
This is the last instalment of the Law Matters Series for 2022, and the event is targeted at industry and alumni.

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