How do entrepreneurs harness the self-belief needed to make the impossible possible?

UQ ChangeMakers brings together a panel of impressive alumni from the start-up space to talk about how they succeeded against the odds, and to share their advice for unlocking the productivity and drive to achieve ambitious goals.

Ask your burning questions as they swap secrets on everything from morning rituals to crafting the perfect pitch and learn how an innovative mindset could help you transform your life, your career and the world.

Join us live for this panel discussion followed by an interactive Q&A.


Dr David Finn
Bachelor of Engineering / Bachelor of Science '00, Doctor of Philosophy '05

Founder and Executive Director, Tritium – a NASDAQ-listed company specializing in electric vehicle fast chargers David Finn is a business creator, engineer and founding CEO of trailblazing Australian company Tritium, maker of electric vehicle fast chargers.

David comes from a technical background, with a Doctor of Philosophy in electrical engineering and bachelor’s degrees in engineering and computer science from UQ . He is passionate about electric vehicles, new energy and technology, especially the inflection we are witnessing in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and quantum computing.

He pivoted Tritium into electric vehicle fast charging in 2012 and led its growth for the next decade. David continues to provide guidance and governance at Tritium as a non-executive director of the board. He now supports the next generation of entrepreneurs through his venture capital partnership Jekara and his research and development activities on work management being conducted within Finnite.


Warren Hogarth
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) '02, Bachelor of Commerce '04, Doctor of Philosophy '06

Warren is Co-Founder and CEO, Empower - a global challengers bank solving access to fair credit. Prior to Empower, Warren was a Partner at Sequoia Capital, where he worked shoulder-to-shoulder with founders to build large, enduring businesses, including SunRun (NASDAQ: RUN), Guardant Health (NASDAQ: GH), Carbon and FutureAdvisor (Acq: Blackrock).

Prior to joining Sequoia Capital in 2008, Warren completed his Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in chemical engineering from UQ, during which time he was a Fulbright Scholar at Princeton University and a Guest Scientist at the Fraunhofer Institute in Germany.

In addition to his PhD, Warren has a Master of Business Administration MBA from Harvard Business School and a Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Commerce from UQ. He currently lives in London with his wife Yang-Yang and 3 kids.


Moderator: Bec Wilson, entrepreneur, author, Entrepreneur in Residence at UQ

Bec Wilson is a serial entrepreneur in modern ageing – founding the award-winning media website Starts at 60, as well as its sister company Travel at 60 – and the author of bestselling guidebook, How to Have an Epic Retirement. She’s also the inaugural Entrepreneur in Residence for UQ Ventures' first Empower Women's Accelerator.


Speaker: Professor Deborah Terry AC, Vice-Chancellor and President, UQ.





Date: Thursday 5 October 2023 AEST
Time: 6–7pm AEST / 9–10am London / 5–6pm Tokyo
Event format: online

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