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The Federal budget can be overwhelming – join UQ academics as they pull it apart and explain how it could impact you this financial year.
Meet the panellists:
Professor Brenda Gannon
Professor in the School of Economics and Affiliate Professor at the Centre for the Business and Economics of Health
Professor Gannon is an international expert in the field of Health Economics of Ageing and has won over $28 million in collaborative research income. She has developed a range of projects in Economics of Ageing and Longevity on topics of physical activity and cognition, health shocks and health care utilization, and consumer directed care and home care. Her work has been influential in the development of programs for falls preventions and informing policy on disability and social inclusion, and has positively impacted on the health of many older people across the world.
Professor John Quiggin
Professor of Economics, UQ
He is a prominent research economist and commentator on Australian and international economic policy. He has produced over 2000 publications, including seven books and over 300 refereed journal articles, in fields including decision theory, environmental economics and industrial organization. He is an active contributor to Australian public debate in a wide range of traditional and social media
Mr Mark Tanner
Associate Lecturer, UQ Business School and Financial Adviser, More Life Planning
Mark’s (BCom(Hons), BEcon,1999) research interests are Financial Planning, Superannuation, Investments, Financial Literacy and Financial Risk Tolerance. Recent projects include working with industry to determine the accuracy of tools to determine clients risk profiles, their risk capacity and the appropriateness of their investments.

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