How can we solve the housing crisis?

  • UQ alumnus Dr Franklin White’s childhood was a bit different to most. When Franklin recalls his youth, he remembers visits to UQ’s experimental mine at Indooroopilly with his father and lively discussions about geology and minerals around the family dinner table.
  • Queenslanders will vote in a state election on 31 October. In the midst of a global pandemic, it will be a campaign like never before.
  • The benefits of mentoring are indisputable – from increasing confidence and providing perspective to creating opportunities and building networks.
  • UQ research reveals how much we can learn about human consciousness by looking inside the brain of a fly.
  • How a UQ graduate is using technology to improve diagnosis and change behaviours.
  • Keeping our homes safe from fire has been an age-old battle for humanity.
  • When the dust clears and global isolation restrictions are eventually rolled back, we will emerge into a post-pandemic world.
  • As UQ’s Chief Student Entrepreneur and successful founder, Rachael Dagge is no stranger to launching startups.


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